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We voted for Bernie in 2016
Never voted for Republican president..
Progressive concerned citizen for decades..
For the vulnerable..and for progressives,
Biden is more dangerous than Trump

Shocked? Can't believe it? We'll prove it on this page.
♦   ♦   ♦
This is not a 'Progressives for Trump' website; it's a:
(Biden and) Trump for Progressives
website instead. Huh? What's that mean?

The title isn't 'progressives for Trump' since it's not about progressives necessarily voting for Trump (I won't be) Instead, this is a Summary For Progressives about how damaging Biden is and comparing with the both negatives of and (don't pass out on the floor when we say this) positives (like the widely praised anti-racist First Step Act) Trump got through, so the records, side-by-side, can speak for themselves...

..showing why not only is Biden deeply flawed, but how utterly false the narrative is that "well, at least Biden is the Lesser of Two Evils" — depressingly and terribly false — in fact, while we personally won't vote for "Lesser Evils", Trump is the 'Lesser Evil' — Biden's record is to the reactionary right of Trump and we'll prove it. Based on our lefty, progressive, values; by that yardstick, Biden's overall more reactionary. In other words, we're not saying "Biden is worse from a right-wing point of view"; nay: Biden is more extreme-right-wing than Trump; Biden's worse from a left-wing point of view; and we'll prove it. First, at the most condensed level, in a couple of bullet points:

Biden is to the neocon-right of Trump on War and Peace. Not just the Iraq War where Biden either knowingly backed the lies or had horrible judgment that led to 100,000s dead civilians and 1,000's of dead (and 10,000's injured) American soldiers — but also Libya and Syria and with it the growth of ISIS and Al Qaeda in those countries and elsewhere; more hundreds of thousands dead civilians, more of our tax dollars down the drain ending making the world (yet again) less safe instead of 'safer' like the regime-changers always promise...

Image above is from an African American veteran's tweet which we came across.

Biden is to the reactionary right of Trump on Mass Incarceration (prisons, sentencing, fairness, etc) "Hypocrisy" isn't strong enough a term for career Democrats (and if you haven't noticed, also neocon war-monger corporate Republicans) lining up behind Biden crying crocodile tears about "racism" and "oppression" because— and this can't be brushed under the rug: Biden didn't just vote for, Joe authored — he wrote— and was sponsor of, the horrible, pro-Mass-Incarceration, and racist 1994 Crime Bill -- both racist and oppression based on how poor you are — and it didn't just 'hurt', it shattered the lives millions and millions of people, ruining their lives, devastating their families. That's real-world actual racist and elite-class-versus-ordinary (working class, middle class, working poor) Americans thrown to the wolves, thrown to prison, job opportunities and educational ones cut off and more. Ruined lives, of millions, harming all ethnic groups, those at the bottom and the middle class — but minorities (for those who like to virtue signal about how much they "care about minorities") being disproportionately hit hard.

That can't be brushed aside with "but Trump once said that.." or mind-reading what Trump thinks. What Biden did hurt MILLIONS, probably tens-of-millions when you count family members. That's racism and class oppression on a Wholesale level orders-of-magnitude larger than what Trump may have said that he shouldn't have or what biases we think Trump may have inside his heart; we can mind-read Joe Biden too and guess at bigotry -- but in Joe's case, there's real-world policies brutal towards working class, middle class, poor whites and minorities.

In Trump's case, what Obama-Biden couldn't/wouldn't do: real, tangible, progressive prison reform (link below) and as we researched it, not only credible, ex-prisoner, not only black voices praising the First Step Act, but more has been done by Second Change Hiring program, or as we learned from Trump adminitration's nJa'Ron Smith, on opportunity zones and more.

Trump, for his part, for all his flaws — and we don't care if his motivations were in part or mostly to "prove it's not true what DNC says about me" — what matters are actions...Trump did what Obama-Biden would not do (or couldn't be bothered because due to taking voters for granted) or couldn't do even in all their eight years — Trump got the anti-racist, anti-classist (aka, give regular ordinary people fairer treatment), anti-mass-incarceration First Step Act (Prison Reform) act passed.

Don't take our word for it, there's links below of its provisions, and there's an interview by Tim Black, who has the #1 on Youtube progressive, political show by an African American interviewing a black former prisoner and expert on the topic: the First Step Act was yes just a first step, but on many, many levels, the laws' changed were very significant, important (and anti-racist) steps forward towards justice and legal/prison/sentencing reform! Steps Obama-Biden either couldn't, or wouldn't get passed (maybe taking certain groups for granted instead of feeling they have to fight for them?) they failed— and left it to Trump to get it through — which he did.

See "First Step Act" two main links and one embedded video interview at: Positive Actions Taken (enacted under, and by, the Trump Administration) which Obama-Biden didn't take..positive steps left undone..until Trump admin.
I disagree with the Trump admin in several policy areas for sure; but in these (multiple, and *major*) policy areas, big, real steps forward we say: it matters far less if it was "to prove I'm not like they say I am" versus purely good intent. No politicians is all good intentions, they all want to look good. Nevertheless, while Biden pushed the racist pro-mass-incarceration 1994 Crime will which devastated minorities and regular non-wealthy whites; versus the opposite under Trump who got prison reform done; when you click the above link you'll discover as I did, just how many areas The First Step Act improved in prison reform; and as I found out, how many other positive changes were done besides the First Step Act; like Second Chance Hiring and Opportunity Zones and Drug Prices and more

Even less known are the items like the Second Chance Hiring initiatives by the Trump Administraton; we care far, far less the extent to which these were inherently motivated versus "just to prove we're not racist" — all politicians, all of them, at least partly do things to "look good" to voters (unless taking them almost entirely for granted) but these help with housing, and help with education, even with transportation to/from work, for those released from prison I've been a progressive long enough to recognize these as progressive programs! Which disproportionately addresses justice for lower-income, working class, and most middle class, regular folks and families — and disproportionately helps minorities and others to get a second (sometimes 3rd+) chance to be a responsible, productive, happy, contributing member of society with jobs and with dignity.

(wondering by now how one learns of these, especially as a decades-long progressive? I invested a lot of time to research, and found case after case of media lies — not just against Bernie and against the Green Party's Jill Stein, M.D., but against Trump — that were untrue. Even not liking or agreeing with much of anything I heard, I hate being lied to. So started watching and reading White House videos and yes, I personally fact-checked those, too—didn't rely on the so-called 'fact-checker' websites run by Establishment Liberal and Establishment/Warmonger Republican groups)

Click on Positive Steps Taken link above to learn more about the First Step Act, and Second Chance Hiring and much more (10 items or so...) in words and viceos, or keep reading.

Who's the most Islamophobic? Why Biden wins that ugly 'prize' While words matter too, surely actions matter far more — and surely absolutely nothing is more Islamophobic than Islamocide: the mass-killing of a huge number of innocent, civilian Muslims — women, men, children, babies — brown skinned people— but Biden didn't just back the Iraq War which killed literally hundreds of thousahnds...but also Iraq and funneling arms to "moderate" terrorists who turn out —by their own filmed admission— to behead boys. Oh, and to work hand in hand with The Al Qaeda branch in Syria. Results: Easily a million dead innocent Muslim civilians among those three countries alone. Biden hasn't learned. Biden is the most islamocidal candidate of the two, by far (and the most women-and-children-cidal, brown-people-cidal etc)

At least a million orphans thanks to Iraq War;
and countless children themselves killed or maimed

The Regime-Changing Neocons of the Bush/Cheney/McCain and (on Dem side) Biden variety also kill lots of Muslims indirectly by allowing (or even pushing for) 'covert' often secret funding of radical jihadist terrorists sold to the public as 'moderate' so they can kill (many Christian, but still mostly Muslim) civilians around them to try to overthrow governments not compliant enough with the Empire we've become (while politicians cry crocodile tears about human rights while being in bed with the worst human rights violators like Saudi Arabia) That means tens of millions live under US-backed totalitarian regimes so hegemony and empire can be waged by the We Must Run The World neocons in Washington, while many thousands to hundreds-of-thousands (including children, remember) are killed by jihadists the neocons love funding, or directly in our wars of neocon control — not that's Islamophobia on the largest, ugliest scale: not one person's words but brutality carried out by means of foreign policy. Biden (and Harris, whose top campaign staffer tweeted during the primaries, her admiration of and support for neocon-style foreign policy) are for that kind of foreign policy.

Before rationalizing things away with excuses we tell ourselves, a simple question: which would be worse: having your family insulted, or having your own family killed? And which would be worse: Having your 'group' spoken of unkindly, or having thousands, 10s of thousands, 100s of thousands from your group, slaughtered in endless regime change wars? The facts speak for themselves: Trump's can't even begin to compete with the Obama-Biden death toll — over 500,000 in the Libya-and-Syria regime change wars they waged — of civilians overseas. That's without even counting the 100,000s killed in Iraq with Biden's vote and support; that 500,000 dead comes 'just' from wars waged by Obama-Biden themselves.

Our friend Victor Tiffany's powerful video:
"Think Biden would be a better President?
Listen objectively then decide.
You Don't Know Joe
"You Don't Know Joe explains exactly how, using documented facts,
VP Biden is the greater [danger] of two dangerous candidates."

(We don't agree with some of Victor's statements and have grave concerns about
the Greens' candidate (pro- Regime Change&RussiaGater Howie Hawkins)
so for first time in our life, I'll put write-in protest message
instead of Trump/Biden/Greens, for President. Do what you feel's best
But unless you want more job-killing trade deals, our tax-dollars
and young men and womens' lives wasted(ended!) through endless wars and more,
2020 has to be #NeverBiden !)
Update: We sent Victor a photo of our Absentee Ballot: We wrote-in "None Of The Above" for President; voted for Greens for state election

See "First Step Act" two main links and one embedded video interview at: Positive Actions Taken (enacted under, and by, the Trump Administration) which Obama-Biden didn't take..positive steps left undone..until Trump admin.
I disagree with the Trump admin in several policy areas for sure; but in these (multiple, and *major*) policy areas, big, real steps forward we say: it matters far less if it was "to prove I'm not like they say I am" versus purely good intent. No politicians is all good intentions, they all want to look good. Nevertheless, while Biden pushed the racist pro-mass-incarceration 1994 Crime will which devastated minorities and regular non-wealthy whites; versus the opposite under Trump who got prison reform done; when you click the above link you'll discover as I did, just how many areas The First Step Act improved in prison reform; and as I found out, how many other positive changes were done besides the First Step Act; like Second Chance Hiring and Opportunity Zones and Drug Prices and more

Bernie Sanders:
The United States is home to 36 million incredible Mexican American citizens. Mexican Americans uplift our communities, and they strengthen our churches and enrich every feature of national life. They are hardworking, incredible people. They are also great business men and women, and make up a big percentage of our small-business owners— and very successful. They're ery, very successful. They're like you: They're toughnegotiators and great business people, Mr. President. Working alongside President LópezObrador, we're taking this relationship to new heights and building a powerful economic and security partnership"
&Mexico's President to President Bernie Sanders:
" have never sought to impose anything on us violating our sovereignty. Instead of the Monroe Doctrine, you have followed, in our case, the wise advice of the lustrous and prudent President George Washington who said, quote, "Nations should not take advantage of the unfortunate condition of other peoples." End of quote.You have not tried to treat us as a colony; on the contrary, you have honored our condition as an independent nation." -President Lopez Obrador.
Except these words were not exchanged between Mexico's president, Obrador, and Bernie Sanders (for whom we voted in the 2016 and 2020 primaries) but between Mexico's leftist leader, Obrador, and Trump! video & transcript.

Who's been crueler to Mexicans? The cold hard facts show it's Biden.
What's this you ask? So, one more item that must be included, although it takes a few more sentences to even summarize(more links to be added later) is this:

"Will the real hater-of-Mexicans please stand up? Biden's policies were far more hateful-hurtful-towards-Mexicans than Trump's.

NAFTA devastated jobs and workers rights in BOTH the United States and Mexico. Besides the above text box of the exchange between "Bernie" and Mexico's president (in fact Trump being praised by Mexico's president as "you have never sought to impose anything on us violating our sovereignty..You have not tried to treat us as a colony; on the contrary, you have honored our condition as an independent nation", besides that, there's cold hard facts, beyond words: the meeting was regarding improved relations with Mexico (media may nor cover it but Trump for years now has praised Mexico's improved work to keep the border secure from illegal, often criminal, crossings, while taking true refugees to receive aid and assessment for asylum etc without crossing into the U.S.) but largely since the anti-democratic as well as job-killing NAFTA was replaced by the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada agreement; yes, Mexico was put ahead of Canada in the name, in this deal by Trump Admin)

We have the biggest union the AFL-CIO saying the USMCA while imperfect is — Trump's USMCA— "vastly" better than NAFTA, says the huge AFL-CIO union (even Biden admits it's better) [Link documenting AFL-CIO's statement and linking to it]

Meanwhile [link to be added here] leftist website giving grudging tepid acknowledgment that USMCA is better, and saying it's unproven and not clear that wages will go up (though not denying it would help with jobs) nevertheless said: this will however improve workers rights in Mexico. Let that sink in. Protections for the rights of Mexican workers thanks to the Trump Admin's USMCA. Yes, the final version of USMCA is better than that originally proposed by the Trump admin, and yes credit goes to groups that pressed for improvements; but in the end it was DONE...while For about a quarter century (since 1993!) Clinton, Bush, and Obama-Biden didn't do it, didn't replace NAFTA with this improvement for jobs, for worker's rights including in Mexico, and for less sovereignty-busting corporate override of domestic laws.

So who "separates families?" Think about it: NAFTA destroyed small businesses and self sufficiency in Mexico; so to feed themselves and their family people resort to fleeing. Legal immigration by people who WANT to come and go through a process is great. Desperate rushing across the border because NAFTA destroyed your ability to get a job with a living wage (besides breaking the law by entering illegally) is also suffering and harmful to the those entering illegally &mdahs; getting an illegal, below-minimum-wage (but just barely enough to survive) shady job in the US where your rights are easily violated and you're separate from your family when you'd have preferred to stay in Mexico with your family. That's the Clinton-Bush-Obama-Biden legacy of NAFTA, War on Drugs, and yes, mostly "open borders."

See also leftist progressive famous cartoonist Ted Rall's piece "Remember When? [backup at], which while including criticism for Trump was still an article brave enough to say out loud what many progressives are either afraid to say or have been blinded by "anyone who disagrees is a racist/xenophobe" coalition wanting slave wages in the U.S..

"Legal immigration should become safe, legal and commonplace," I wrote in 2005 in response to George W. Bush's call for a guest-worker program for immigrants here illegally. I opposed Bush's plan because it would have hurt American wages and job prospects. "At the same time, no nation worthy of the name can tolerate porous borders. We can and must seal our borders to prevent economic migrants, terrorists and others with unknown motives from entering the United States." [In other words, no, Trump didn't hypnotize this leftist Ted Rall, these are Rall's words from back in 2005 long, long before Trump decided to run]

It seems strange to recall, but support for stronger border controls was a common thread among both the populists of the America-first Pat Buchanan right and the labor-protectionist left that backed Bernie Sanders.For their part, Democrats have adopted a policy stance that thoughtful leftists recognize as nonsensical and ideologically incoherent. First, mainline Dems have been arguing, we should look the other way as foreigners enter the country unchecked, because we need undocumented workers to take low-wage occupation —picking fruit, plucking chickens, making our hotel beds— that Americans don't want. But that not only isn't true but cannot be true. Without undocumented workers, employers would be forced to offer higher wages upward pressure on wages up the salary chain. Simple supply and demand.

The other pillar of Democratic immigration policy is so absurd that the party rightly refuses to articulate it: Border controls are inherently racist and xenophobic. No other country thinks so. You can't sneak in to Uruguay or Tanzania or the Seychelles without a visa (much less look for work) and hope for anything other than arrest and deportation. Controlling the flow of human beings into one's country isn't bigotry. It's one of the fundamental characteristics of a modern nation-state. One could sooner do without minting one's own currency or issuing postage stamps.Yet the status quo, a tacit open door at various crossing points, is all Democrats have to offer — more of the same lunacy [the "lunacy" has its logic which is why for many years and to this day many conservatives play along: cheap wages for businesses without morals and for super-exploitative big corporations -ED]

See "First Step Act" two main links and one embedded video interview at: Positive Actions Taken (enacted under, and by, the Trump Administration) which Obama-Biden didn't take..positive steps left undone..until Trump admin.
I disagree with the Trump admin in several policy areas for sure; but in these (multiple, and *major*) policy areas, big, real steps forward we say: it matters far less if it was "to prove I'm not like they say I am" versus purely good intent. No politicians is all good intentions, they all want to look good. Nevertheless, while Biden pushed the racist pro-mass-incarceration 1994 Crime will which devastated minorities and regular non-wealthy whites; versus the opposite under Trump who got prison reform done; when you click the above link you'll discover as I did, just how many areas The First Step Act improved in prison reform; and as I found out, how many other positive changes were done besides the First Step Act; like Second Chance Hiring and Opportunity Zones and Drug Prices and more

Fair Trade: Biden is to the Reactionary-Right of Trump on Trade!

♦ Progressives are for Fair Trade -- I should know, I personally protested against NAFTA in 1993 (and supported LGBT rights and women's rights and protested against the racist Apartheid regime and more -- long before those things became popular; I also opposed the Bush wars when it mattered; back when it was very difficult to do but was most important to do so: 2002 and 2003.)

♦ As for NAFTA, yes, before Corporatist warmongers stole the terms from us, and made "progressive" cover pro-Regime-Change and pro-NAFTA politicians, it was actually a Leftist (to the left of both Bill Clinton and most Republicans) position to support Fair Trade and oppose NAFTA. We may add links with more details later but as noted above, the largest union*, the AFL-CIO, which are no fans of Trump and is basically wedded to the corrupt DNC, but even the AFL-CIO said that Trump's replacement of NAFTA (which is called USMCA, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement) while imperfect, is not just better, but "vastly" better, in their words, than NAFTA [Link documenting AFL-CIO's statement and linking to it] As noted, another progressive source, noted Trump's USMCA is expected to increase worker's rights in Mexico! But yes, more fair trade for both country's workes, consumers, and small business, thanks to USMCA [add link to that here and/or link to couple paragraph "Will the Real Hater-of-Mexicans Please Stand Up?" piece [hint: it's Biden]]

(*) Actually AFL-CIO is far more than a large union but a federation; wikipedia: "The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is the largest federation of unions in the United States. It is made up of fifty-five national and international unions,[3] together representing more than 12 million active and retired workers...[it] engages in substantial political spending and activism, typically in support of liberal or progressive policies [wikipedia]

Biden being an Establishment politician backed NAFTA which not only decimated jobs and wages in the US, but also harmed jobs in Mexico (how's that possible? Politically-connected Mega-corporations in both countries won; workers, and small and medium businesses, were the overall losers; NAFTA was also what we leftists would call anti-democratic and what conservatives are more likely to call violating our sovereignty: unelected corporate trade bureaucrats meeting in secret in other countries, meeting behind closed doors (under Corporate Rights so-called 'free' trade deals like NAFTA, and TPP) get to overrule —without appeal!— the oversight and protections put in place by our elected leaders in areas like consumer product safety, workplace safety, the safety or our health (or the environment) from toxins etc) So not only was NAFTA bad for jobs, but also for workers' rights — while USMCA while imperfect, was a step forward for labor rights for Mexican workers. Who's the real friend of Mexicans then? It "ain't" pro-NAFTA Biden! Trump for all his flaws and sometimes unpleasant verbiage, actually improved jobs and workers rights on both sides of the border (yes, the final version thanks to US labor pressure was better than Trump Administration's first draft — but we got the improvement ultimately; while the Clinton's were married to NAFTA, Bush-Cheney didn't touch it, and Obama-Biden kept NAFTA in place and even wanted to add super-NAFTA international deal, the "TPP" on top of it!)

[May later add final 3 summary points here at from condensed file]

See "First Step Act" two main links and one embedded video interview at: Positive Actions Taken (enacted under, and by, the Trump Administration) which Obama-Biden didn't take..positive steps left undone..until Trump admin.
I disagree with the Trump admin in several policy areas for sure; but in these (multiple, and *major*) policy areas, big, real steps forward we say: it matters far less if it was "to prove I'm not like they say I am" versus purely good intent. No politicians is all good intentions, they all want to look good. Nevertheless, while Biden pushed the racist pro-mass-incarceration 1994 Crime will which devastated minorities and regular non-wealthy whites; versus the opposite under Trump who got prison reform done; when you click the above link you'll discover as I did, just how many areas The First Step Act improved in prison reform; and as I found out, how many other positive changes were done besides the First Step Act; like Second Chance Hiring and Opportunity Zones and Drug Prices and more


How Joe Biden Speaks About Drugs to His Son vs Everyone Else Oct 18, 2020, 35 seconds.

  • 21 Ways Supporting The US Establishment Is Worse Than Voting Third Party WATCH BEFORE DECIDING WHETHER TO KEEP..Victor suggested this one, right?

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